Laboratories of the Faculty of Society and Economics

Welcome to our Laboratory Landscape XpeRTiSE
The Faculty of Society and Economics attaches great importance to practical relevance and a close interlinking between research, entrepreneurship and governmental framework. Our curricula are future-oriented and concerned with the current challenges facing societies, such as energy and resource scarcity, the progressive transformation to a digital, information-based societies, the impact of demographic changes and redefining competitiveness in an increasingly globalised world.
Our faculty is shaped by a high degree of internationality: our English-language courses attract many students from abroad, who bring their own unique ideas and experiences and create rich, intercultural exchange opportunities between students. We also co-operate extensively with leading international universities and companies, which provides students with extraordinary opportunities for personal and professional development.
We designed XpeRTiSE, our laboratory landscape for experimental research, to help us come up with new opportunities to connect theory and practice in the fields of social and economic sciences. It includes five laboratories, each with distinct focus areas: strateGiX, KLEX, TaXES, MatRiX and BOX.
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The Faculty of Society and Economics is looking for participants for experiments in economic and behaviour research.
To find Answers to your questions, see the FAQ or contact us at
Contact persons
Prof. Dr. Thomas Pitz
Kleve Campus, Building 03 02 010
Phone: 02821 80673-337
Dipl.-Volksw. Wolf Gardian
Kleve Campus,
Building 03 02 024
Phone: 02821 80673-313
Consultation hours
Wednesday 11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Building 03
1st Floor
Room 03 01 015 (Control room)
or contact us for consultations by arrangement: