Costs, Scholarships and Grants

Studying at Rhine-Waal University

Tuition and Fees

Does Rhine-Waal charge tuition? What fees do students have to pay?

Costs of Living

How expensive is it to live and study in Germany? Here you'll find an overview.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

An overview of scholarships and grants availible to students of Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences.


Here you’ll find information on the Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz - BAföG. This taxpayer-funded federal scholarship is granted by the German government. Except in rare cases, international students are not eligible.

Private loans

Enroled students may also be eligible for private loans through external credit agencies in Gemrany.

Student job market

Job database with interships, part-time jobs, starting positions for graduates as well as thesis projects.